The latest Climate Emergency Group flyer can be found here giving the latest news from the parish on this topic.

making watford green

Check out the website for all the latest news on making Watford Green including local groups committed to working together to improve the local environment and fight climate change at the same time.
Details of those local groups can be found here

 Some photos from our Day on climate change during Creationtide

Sunday 24th September 2023

More details about what we are doing and why will be coming shortly - watch this space ….

In the meantime …

A press release following the Bronze and Silver Eco Awards being given to St Mary’s can be found here

You can download a copy of St Mary’s Climate Change Declaration here

St Mary's Swap Shop - sharing and swapping fruit and veg has been a great success throughout the summer so we would like to continue reusing any unwanted goods.  Swap an item or take an item that you could make use of.  Anything left at the end of each month will be donated to local charity shops.  NO electrical equipment please.

Recycling - tablet blister packs and spent make up items can be dropped in bins in Superdrug; empty biros and ball point pens can similarly be dropped off at Rymans; printer INK cartridges can be dropped into a Recycle4Charity box held in Tapestry Cakes in Market Street (not open Mondays) and St Mary’s receives a small amount of money for each one (over £40 has been raised in the last twelve months but with your help we could do better! – original HP and Canon do well; they take Epson, too).

St Mary’s Climate Emergency Group encourages the following actions, if you are able to carry them out:
> As far as possible, travel using public transport, bicycle (a bike rack is provided if you cycle to church) or on foot rather than using a car
> Reduce your amount of waste material by reducing, reusing, recycling the amount of material used
> Buy food which is produced locally (i.e. UK), organicanimal friendly (e.g. free-range), Fairtrade certified and in-season
> Invest savings and bank with organisations which have a commitment to ethical values.