Weekly Notices

Scroll down to find details about:
Safeguarding and the Makin Report
Sunday Weekly Leaflet Notices
Tuesday Toddlers
Proud Watford Exhibition
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

This week’s Sunday leaflet for current Notices can be found here

Tuesday Toddlers

resumes this week from 9.30 to 11.00am in the Church Centre – for babies and toddlers up to 4-years-old and their carers.

Proud Watford (PW) Exhibition

Saturday 25th January at St Mary’s between 11.30am and 4.30pm. All are welcome to visit the exhibition which is allowing everyone to express their own understanding of what ‘a place without prejudice’ looks and feels like in an original artwork. ‘An artwork’ includes paintings, collages, assemblages, photographs and anything else that’s a physical expression of ‘a place without prejudice’ and capable of display.

Full details are at:

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

During the Week (18th to 25th January) there will be two Services in Watford:

on Tuesday 21st January at 12.45 at Holy Rood Catholic Church in Market Street. Bring your own lunch to eat with other Christians;

on Wednesday 22nd January at The Scroll (Methodist and United Reform) Church in The Harebreaks at 12.00 noon. Lunch of soup and a roll will be provided.

The theme for this year’s services is “Do you believe this?” It refers to the Nicene Creed, which was agreed 1,700 years ago in Nicaea where the Council of Church Leaders met to discuss their belief and formulate the Creed.