Ways to Give

Here is some info on the different ways you can donate to the running of St Mary’s and their work in the community.

Visiting St Mary’s

If you attend a service, there will be a collection plate passed around during the service
into which you can put cash (notes or coins).

If you visit the church in person during the week, there is a card payment machine
by the pillar at the north entrance.

Online Giving

You can give online by clicking on the button below and going through to our online giving page.

Bank Transfer and Standing O=rders

You can give to  St. Mary’s bank account details for people to make internet or telephone banking donations or setup a standing order are:
Sort Code: 20-74-09
Account: 00725927

If an account name is required this is 'PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL OF ST MARYS WATFORD'

Quote your name as a reference if possible.

A gift aid form can be found here

Completing it will increase your gift by 25p for every £1 at no extra cost to you.

Text Donation

Donations can also be made by text message:

Text '3STMARYS' to 70450 to donate £3 to St Mary's

Text '5STMARYS' to 70450 to donate £5 to St Mary's

Text '10STMARYS' to 70450 to donate £10 to St Mary's

 A standard rate message charge may be added.